Drumline Auditions

Drumline Auditions for TL Bands

Please familiarize yourselves with the following content. The audition in March will be for potential SNARE, TENOR, and BASS players. Please prepare accordingly!

Keep an eye out for after-school workshops!

Learning the Basics

Step 1: Check out these awesome VIDEO LESSONS from Vic Firth, a leader in percussion education in the United States. TONS of stuff here, just explore!

Step 2: Put your skills to the test with these PLAYALONGS - the further along you can get, the better! Both sets of videos are awesome, but the backing tracks are 🔥🔥🔥 You can find the exercises in the corresponding PDF packets:

Snare  |  Tenor  |  Bass

Obtaining drum sticks and a practice pad are optional, but not necessary for the audition exercises. Everything can be achieved with DIY equipment.

What we'll be Listening For

***Please don't audition if you cannot make the Hometown Days Parade on Saturday, May 18th.***

The PDF Packets contain our Audition Exercises. We'll be listening to you perform the following, either alone or together as a group:

We will continue to use the exercises in the packet as warm-ups and fundamentals, along with some additional cadences.

- Moving Forward -

After the auditions, we'll be selecting 9-12 Members for the Drumline. Expect to rehearse several times between now and Hometown Days, including one or two lunchtime 'mini-performances' in the Quad.

Additional General Percussion resources for beginners can be found in the 'Percussion 101' lessons on the Vic Firth website.